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January 2014 - Dottorato in Neuroscienze

January 2014

You are browsing the site archives for January 2014.

Avviso di congresso

The Fourth Annual Meeting of the Italian Society for the study of Peripheral Nervous System will be held in Sorrento, Italy from April 13 to April 15, 2014. It is possible to submit original scientific communications at the following website http://www.asnp.net/_it/servizi/abstract.asp. The deadline is February 2, 2014.

Avviso di congresso

The 9th FENS Forum of Neuroscience, organized by Federation of European Neuroscience Societies , will be held in Milan from July 5 – 9, 2014 For more informations and for online registration go to the website http://fens2014.neurosciences.asso.fr/. The deadline for abstract presentation is February 2, 2014 (midnight CET).