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Avviato il progetto “PhD ITalents”

The Grant Office of the University of Milano-Bicocca announces the launching of the PhD ITalents program. The 3-years long (2015-2018) program aims to bring together the academia and the enterprises to help young PhD to enter into the business world. For more details visit http://www.phd-italents.it/ or contact the Grant Office at ricerca@unimib.it.[:]

Colloquium del dottorato di Fisica

On November 30th, 2015 at 2:30 p.m. in U4 for the Colloquium organized by the Doctoral program in Physics, prof. Fainaro will held a seminar on “Novel cancer models-based identification of molecular targets for the rational design of precision nanomedicines“. Further details are available here: Fainaro