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2020 - Dottorato in Neuroscienze


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Special issue on Toxic Neuropathy open for submission

Special issue on Toxic Neuropathy open for submission

Dr. Valentina Carozzi, member of the faculty of the PhD program in Neuroscience, is guest editor, together with Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Grisold, of the special Issue “Toxic Neuropathy: Mechanisms, Causes, Risk Exposure, Diagnosis, Prevention and Therapeutic Options” in Toxics (ISSN 2305-6304). This special issue belongs to the section “Toxicology and Human Health“. The editors intend to collect […]

PhD Job Day - October 26 2020

PhD Job Day – October 26 2020

The Milan-Bicocca Doctoral School encourages collaboration between the University and the local production system and society as a whole, in order to develop innovative paths aimed at expanding the skills of doctoral students and their career opportunities, while maintaining a high level of preparation scientific. The “Doctoral and business Workshop” event within the Bicocca JobDays […]

Final ranks - cycle 36

Final ranks – cycle 36

The final ranks for the admission to the cycle 36 of the PhD program in Neuroscienze are available. Deadline for enrollment for admitted candidates is September 26, 2020. For further details please visit https://www.unimib.it/didattica/dottorato-ricerca/accedere-al-dottorato/graduatorie