Elisabetta Donzelli


Here is reported the list of the admitted candidates to the oral axamination of the selection for PhD Program in Neuroscience (cycle XXXI), according to the results obtained in the written examination ADMITTED: Alberti Paola Bonanno Silvia Capuzzi Enrico Catania Alessia Di Giacomo Ester Fumagalli Giulia Lombardi Marta Losurdo Morris Marchetti Sara Monza Laura Rainone […]

Premio Aldo Fasolo

The PhD program in Neuroscience of the University of Turin announces the “Premio Aldo Favolo” award. It is open to young scientist, PhD or PhD Students (cycle XXV-XXX) working in the field of Neuroscience. The deadline is September 15th, 2015. For further details click here or visit the website.

Fondi di ricerca “Roberto Franceschi”

The Roberto Franceschi Onlus Foundation supports scientific research in the field of social diseases prevention, diagnosis and treatment. Every year the Foundation establish a research grant named “Roberto Franceschi”, open to Magistral and Doctoral students of the Universities in Lumbardy. The 2015 grant can be downloaded at this link (italian version only).[:]