Esame finale XXVII ciclo Dottorato
On November 27th at 3 p.m. in U8-08 the PhD students of the XXVII cycle will defend their doctoral thesis.
On November 27th at 3 p.m. in U8-08 the PhD students of the XXVII cycle will defend their doctoral thesis.
The Opening Lecture of the 10th II level Master in Translpants and Advanced Hepatology will be held on November 24th from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. in U8-08. Further details are available here: locandina-vergani.
Application for the FENS-SfN Summer School 2015 is open! The FENS-SfN Summer school 2015 on Shared mechanisms and specificity in neurodegenerative diseases will take place in Bertinoro, Italy, from 7 to 13 June. The School is meant for PhD students and postdocs with a neurobiological background and preferably some knowledge of the subject. Further information […]
On October 10th a workshop on stereology will be held at the department of Bioscience, University of Milano. Attendance is free upon registration at by October 4th. The full program and further details are available here:locandina workshop