Elisabetta Donzelli

Seminario 5 settembre ’14

For the cycle “I Venerdì di Farmacologia” on September, 5th at the CNR Institute of Neuroscience in Milan (via Vanvitelli 32) at noon professor GUNNAR KLEINAU will give a talk on “Transduction and processing of information by G-protein coupled receptors”. For more details download the document: seminario05-09-14

Seminario Scuola di Dottorato – 19 settembre

The Doctoral School of Milano Bicocca on September 19th, 2014 at 2:30 p.m. organizes a seminar on “Dye Doped Silica Nanoparticles as Luminescent Organized Systems for Nanomedicine”, by Luca Prodi, Chemistry Professor at the University of Bologna. The seminar will be held in the building U5 in via Cozzi 55 in Milan. Further details can […]

Corso per giovani ricercatori

A teorical and practical course for young researchers will be held on October 27th-31st, 2014 at LITA Segrate. The admission is free and open to 8-9 PhD students or people graduated in the biomedical field. Download here the program and the poster.(Sorry, the documents are only available in italian)[:]