Elisabetta Donzelli

Incontro biblioteca digitale per dottorandi

 On May 13th at 4 p.m. at the Villa Forno campus (Cinisello Balsamo) the PhD School organizes a seminar hold by Dr. Ilaria Moroni, head of the Office for the Athen’s Library, for the PhD Students on DIGITAL LIBRARY: RESOURCES AND SERVICES For more informations on Villa Forno and on the digital resources of the […]


The DIMET (Ph.D. Program in Translational and Molecular Medicine) organizes on May 27th-29th, 2014 a course on “Experimental models in translational medicine: how to produce and how to use them”. The partecipation is free without any registration. Download here the preliminary programme: DIMET Course May 27-29 2014 [:] 

Seminario 23 maggio

The following seminar will be held on May 23rd at the Aula Magna, via Vanvitelli 32 in Milan at noon : David Ron, Professor of Cellular Pathophysiology and Clinical Biochemistry, University of Cambridge, UK “Protein folding homeostasis in the Endoplasmic Reticulum” Here you can download the notice: ABCD maggio 24 Ron