PhD in Neuroscience Day – coming soon

The PhD in Neuroscience Day will take place on  November 6th, 2018 at the Monza Campus of the Milano Bicocca University. The PhD students will present the updates af their research projects and we will attend to a inspiring plenary lecture. The program is under construction…. come back soon to find more details!

Rankings PhD in Neuroscience

The final rankings for the admission test to the PhD program in Neuroscience are available on the unimib website at Admitted candidates must complete the online registration by October 8th, 2018.

Exercise and neuropathy

Dr. Fiona Streckmann will held a seminar on “Exercise interventions to tackle the symptoms of neuropathy” on October 9th, 2018 at noon in the room U8-06 at the School of Medicine and Surgery  in Monza. The event is organized by the PhD program in Neuroscience. Please find more details here: Streckmann Oct 9 2018

Results of the oral test

The results of the oral exam for the admission to the 34th cycle of the PhD in Neuroscience are available here: Esiti Neuroscienze Sperimentali + Biologia Molecolare e Cellulare Esiti Neuroscienze Cliniche The final official scores will be published on the Doctoral School web-page at The applicants have to enroll by the deadline and following […]