1° simposio nazionale SLA

The First Italian symposium on ALS will be held on November 12nd-14th, 2015 in Naples. The event has been promoted by AISLA Onlus – Italian Association fo Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and by AriSLA – Italian Research Foundation for ALS. The partecipation is free upon registration by November 6th and is subjet to availability. To get […]

IMPRS for Brain & Behavior

The International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) for Brain and Behavior, a new PhD Program in Neuroscience, has been recently etablished jointly by Max Planck Institutes and universities. Admission to the fall 2016 program is open until December 1st, 2015. To apply, or to get more information, visit the IMPRS for Brain & Behavior website.[:]

Epileptic Disorder Prize

PhD Student Dr. Alexandra Liava was awarded the Epileptic Disorder Educational Prize and presented her winning paper entitled “Paediatric epilepsy surgery in the posterior cortex: a study of 62 cases“, during the 31st International Epilepsy Congress held in Istanbul on September 5th-9th, 2015.