Bando Blanceflor Boncompagni Ludovisi

The Blanceflor Boncompagni Ludovisi Foundation is a Swedisch foundation that grants scholarship to doctorands and younger doctors with Italian or Swedish citizenship to cover the costs to spend a research period abroad in one or several of the following countries: Canada, Germany, Italy, Japan, Sweden, Switzerland, UK and USA. The deadline for applications is Febriary, […]

Convegno Dottorandi in Neuroscienze 2015

The National Meeting of the PhD Students in Neuroscience “Nuove Prospettive delle Neuroscienze: Le Ricerche dei Giovani Neuroricercatori Italiani” will be hold on February 26, 2015 in Naples in the Meeting Center of the University Federico II in Via Partenope 36. The deadline for abstracts submission at the e-mail address (one page, font Arial […]

Borse di studio della Fondazione Onassis

News from the Milano-Bicocca Grant Office – grants are available from the Onassis Foundation 1) “Research Grants (category A)” 15 grants to spend a 3-6 months long research period in Greece in the academic year October 2015 – September 2016. ADDRESSED TO: professors, researchers and post-doc. 2) “Educational Scholarships (category C)” 10 grants to spend […]