On January 31st, 2017 the PhD program in Neuroscience with the collaboration of DIMET organizes the “International Symposium on Neurobiology”, a joint meeting between the University of Milano-Bicocca and the University of Surrey.
The meeting will begin at 8:45 a.m. in the Aula Martini in the building U6 in Piazza dell’Ateneo Nuovo, 1 in Milan. At the end of the scientific presentations, there will be the official cerimony for the signature of the agreement between the two universities.
A call for abstracts is open for oral and poster presentations; the deadline is December 10th, 2016. To submit your proposal please e-mail your text (max 300 words) to dottorato.neuroscienze@unimib.it with the object line “abstract Neurobiology”. The scientific committee will select the oral presentations.
The full program of the event is available here: Symposium on Neurobiology