You are browsing the site archives for 2016.

Ammissione al dottorato: prova orale

The results of the oral test for the admission to the XXXII cycle of the PhD Program in Neuroscience are available below. Esiti Neuroscienze Cliniche Esiti Biologia Molecolare e Cellulare + Neuroscienze Sperimentali The final results of the admission to the XXXII cycle of the PhD Program in Neuroscience will be published on the Doctoral […]

School of Neuroscience 18-21 Oct 2016

A School of Neuroscience will be held on October 18-21 on the Lake of Como, organized by prof.Michela Matteoli and Dr Davide Pozzi (Humanitas) in collaboration with Thierry Galli (Francia). Invited speakers include prominent experts in the field of Neurosciences, among them the Nobel prize winner prof. Erwin Neher. For further details download the announcement and visit the website http://dabc.lakecomoschool.org/.