Seminario AriSLA: “Medicinal Chemistry”

On May 18th, 2015 Doc. Pierfausto Seneci will held a seminary on “MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY: SUPPORTO NELL’IDENTIFICAZIONE DI NUOVI TARGET MOLECOLARI RILEVANTI PER SLA. DISEGNO RAZIONALE E SINTESI DI NUOVI PRINCIPI ATTIVI”. The event will take place at AriSLA (Italian Foundation for ALS research) in Viale Ortles 22/4, Milan from 3 pm to 5 pm. Attendance […]

PhD Students Meeting

The 2nd PhD Students Meeting will be held on July 9-10th 2015 at the IRCCS-Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research of Milan on the following topics: Neuroscience, Cancer Biology, Immunology, Molecular Bases of Diseases and New Frontiers in Biotechnology. Pre-doctoral students currently working at IRCC-IRFMN, IRCCS-INT or Humanitas are eligible for abstract submission. All the […]