Corso per Dottorandi e giovani PostDoc “The Aging Brain”

The PhD Program in Neuroscience and the Doctoral School of Life and Health Sciences announce that registration is open for the Course The Aging Brain: Cellular Mechanisms Interfacing Human Pathology, which will be held on 28 September-2 October 2015 in Torino, Italy
The Course is aimed at PhD students and young postdocs with the goal to introduce them on recent advances in brain aging processes that might be most relevant to the emergence of neuronal dysfunctions and degeneration. The Course will adopt an interdisciplinary perspective and address the genetics, early diagnosis and therapy of both Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases. The Course is based on a series of lectures by renowned international speakers. Students will be actively involved in journal clubs, short talks and/or poster presentations to foster extensive discussion between lecturers, organizers and participants.

Deadline for registration: May 30, 2015.
Registration cost for participants not enrolled in the local PhD in Neuroscience: 50 euro
Email for registration and information:
Please note that registrations will be dealt with on a first come, first served basis.
Download the brochure Course on the Aging Brain 2015 Turin and visit the website to stay updated!