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Elisabetta Donzelli, Autore presso Dottorato in Neuroscienze - Page 45 of 52

Elisabetta Donzelli

Open Job Positions

Two three-years-salary job positions are open in the Dr. Vania Broccoli’s group at the laboratory “Stem Cells and Neurogenesis”, San Raffaele Institute. Download here the details: Open Job Positions


Please check these websites for grants opportunities: for the FENS (Federation of European Neuroscience Societies) click here. We are part of the NENS (Network of European Neuroscience Schools) and some grant opportunities are reserved to PhD students mobility within the members’ laboratories. for the EAN (European Academy of Neurology) grants click here.

Workshop Sincrotrone

On June 23rd in U8-08 at 9:15 a.m. the PhD program in Neuroscience together with the program SYRA3 COST Action TD1205 orgnizes the seminar “WORKSHOP: SYNCHROTRON APPLICATIONS IN NEUROSCIENCE” Download the full program: Synchrotron applications in neuroscience