Elisa Duranti

Elisa Duranti

Curriculum vitae

Nata il 10 luglio 1992, ho ottenuto nel novembre 2015 presso l’Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, la Laurea Triennale in Scienze Biologiche con una tesi sullo studio del pathway MAPK/ERK nella degenerazione neuronale. Ho conseguito poi, la Laurea Magistrale in Biologia nel marzo 2018 anch’essa presso l’Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, con una tesi sullo studio della proteina DUX-4 nel differenziamento muscolare nella Distrofia Facio Scapolo Omerale (FSHD). Successivamente ho svolto attività di ricerca come Visiting Researcher presso il laboratorio di Biologia Molecolare diretto dalla Professoressa Meneveri, dove ho concluso il mio lavoro di tesi magistrale. Da Marzo a Ottobre 2019 ho seguito il corso di perfezionamento in Medicina Trasfusionale presso l’Università degli Studi di Milano, apprendendo tecniche di analisi di campioni di sangue nella ricerca di laboratorio. Da Novembre 2019 sono studentessa del dottorato in Neuroscienze presso l’Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, all’interno del Laboratorio di Neurobiologia del Professor Carlo Ferrarese. Sotto la supervisione del Professor Lucio Tremolizzo studio i meccanismi dell’accumulazione della TDP-43 nella Sclerosi Laterale Amiotrofica (SLA), analizzando in particolar modo DUX-4 e HSC70 mirando allo sviluppo di biomarkers e nuove terapie per la SLA.

PhD Project

Mechanisms of TDP-43 accumulation in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

  • Tutor: Prof. Lucio Tremolizzo
  • Curriculum: Neuroscienze sperimentali

Many neurodegenerative diseases including Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) belong to the large category of proteinopathies, conditions characterized by the presence of proteinaceous inclusions within and/or outside the degenerating neurons. The identification of such aggregates supports the view that misfolded proteins represent a basic requirement for the neurodegenerative process and provides input to verify the existence of possible dysfunctions of the biological systems influencing protein homeostasis. In ALS, both environmental and genetic factors contribute to altering the physiological processes involved in the synthesis of a disease-specific protein, namely TDP-43, resulting in over production or in the generation of post-translationally modified protein forms more prone to aggregation. Furthermore, the impairment of intracellular protein catabolic systems plays a crucial role in proteotoxicity, and the prion-like spreading of pathological TDP-43 further amplifies neuronal damage. A better comprehension of the molecular mechanisms responsible for TDP-43 proteotoxicity in ALS can allow the identification of both new therapeutic targets and useful biomarkers for this devastating disorder. 

TDP-43 is the protein accumulating in ALS and spreading damage. 

Interestingly, in recent years a relation between ALS aggregates and DUX-4 (Double homeobox transcription factor 4) protein, is emerging. The espression of DUX-4 is normally associated to onset of the Facio-Scapulo-Homeral Dystrophy (FSHD). Recent studies have shown that exogenous expression of DUX-4 in mouse myoblast cell line can alter TDP-43 proteostasis inducing protein aggregation.

This project will focus on the involved mechanisms, with a special focus on marking them in peripheral mononuclear cells. Interactors, such as Hsc70 and DUX-4 will be specifically studied, aiming at developing biomarkers and novel therapeutic perspectives for ALS. 

Partecipazione a workshop e congressi

  • 5th NeuroMI International Meeting- Food for Brain: promoting health and preventing diseases. Università di Milano- Bicocca. Milan, 20-22 November 2019
  • 6th NeuroMI International Virtual Meeting, 18 December 2020 “L’alimentazione nelle patologie neurodegenerative” Virtual seminary, March 2020

Poster e presentazioni:

  Duranti, Sala, D’Orlando, Gerardi, Isolani, Arosio, Riva, Lunetta, Meneveri, Ferrarese, Tremolizzo. “Dux4 expression is increased in als lymphomonocytes: possible role in tdp-43 aggregation?”. 6th NeuroMI International Virtual Meeting, 2020

Duranti, Sala, D’Orlando, Gerardi, Riva, Lunetta, Sirtori, Meneveri, Tremolizzo, Ferrarese. “Dux4 expression is increased in lymphomonocytes of patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: possible involvement in TDP-43 aggregation?” World Congress Of Neurology 2021

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