Genni Desiato

Genni Desiato

Nata a Termoli il 24 giugno 1989, mi sono iscritta all’Università Politecnica delle Marche (Ancona), conseguendo il laurea in Scienze Biologiche nel 2011 con lode, e la laurea specialistica in Biologia Applicata nel 2013 con indirizzo biotecnologico, ricevendo lode e diritto di pubblicazione. Prima di trasferirmi a Milano ho anche conseguito l’Esame di abilitazione e sono qualificata a lavorare come Biologo.

Da sempre positiva e entusiasta, la mia carica di energia e curiosità, unite alla mia forte passione per la Neuroscienze, mi hanno portato presso l’Università di Milano Bicocca, dove, dal 1 dicembre 2014, sono iscritta al Dottorato di Ricerca in Neuroscienze, lavorando su diversi progetti, sotto la supervisione della Dott.ssa S. Coco, e in collaborazione con la prof.ssa M. Matteoli, presso  Humanitas Clinical and Research Centre, dove trascorro molto tempo della mia formazione.

A partire da luglio, mi trasferirò in Canada fino alla fine dei miei studi di dottorato per un emozionante periodo di ricerca all’estero.


Regulation of the GABA switch by immunomodulatory signals

  • Curriculum: Biologia Molecolare e Cellulare
  • Tutor. Silvia Coco

Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) represent a new potential platform for restoring damaged nerve tissues. As they are stem cells, they also represent a good option for the treatment of neurologic diseases, because of their documented strong anti-inflammatory properties, their positive role on neurogenesis, synaptogenesis and myelination, overall promoting neuronal growth and differentiation. MSCs exert their action basically through the release of trophic factors, and especially nano-sized extracellular organelles, known as Extracellular Vesicles (EVs), that bear all the advantages of the parental cells, but possibly avoiding those side effects usually related to a cell-based therapy.

In our lab we have previously demonstrated that MSCs are able to sustain the neuronal growth and also to enhance the GABAergic transmission in mature hippocampal neurons. We are now interested in the early stages of neuronal development, when the network is still growing. In fact, GABA represents the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the adult brain, but during early postnatal development, GABAergic synaptic transmission is endowed with excitatory and depolarizing activity, which is crucial for the proper brain development. Over a limited postnatal period there is a switch of the electrophysiological (depolarizating towards hyperpolarizating) and biochemical (Ca2+-mediated signaling) properties of GABAergic transmission. Even though the developmental-mediated GABA switch is well documented, little is known about signals underlying such process.

In this framework, our project aims at investigating whether MSCs or their by-products EVs might positively affect the development of the GABAergic transmission, and, in particular, the timing of the GABAergic switch, by mean of chloride and calcium imaging techniques, together with molecular and biochemical analysis. Results from this study will allow us to clarify the possible role of MSCs or their by-products EVs in such a critical process, whose alteration is involved in the pathogenesis of several neurodevelopmental disorders.


Da luglio 2017 mi sposterò in Canada, precisamente a Montréal, dove trascorrerò l’ultimo periodo della mia formazione dottorale presso il centro di ricerca CHU Sainte Justine-Universitè de Montréal, sotto la supervisione della prof.ssa Graziella Di Cristo. L’attività di ricerca all’interno del laboratorio della prof.sssa Di Cristo è volta allo comprensione dello sviluppo dei circuiti e delle sinapsi GABAergiche, dei meccanismi molecolari che li governano, e di come possibili anomalie di questo evento possano determinare una significativa disfunzione delle capacità cognitive, alla base di molti disordini del neurosviluppo.



  • Intracallosal nNOS neurons co-localize with NK1 substance P receptor in the rat. Barbaresi P, Mensà E, Lariccia V, Desiato G, Fabri M, Gratteri S. J Comp Neurol. 2015 Mar 1;523(4):589-607. doi: 10.1002/cne.23695.
  • Unravelling Mesenchymal Stem Cell Signature In Regenerative Medicine. Genni Desiato, Morris Losurdo, Chiara Elia, Anna Saccomano, Silvia Coco. Frontiers in Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Research, 2017 Ebk Series – ebook chapter accepted for publication


  • Inflammation and Synaptogenesis: the role of IL6 in developing neurons. Fossati G, Mirabella F, Desiato G, Pozzi D. Poster Presentation at CNR Retreat – Pisa 13/05/15
  • Role of Inflammation in the developmental switch of GABA signalling. Desiato G, Mirabella F, Matteoli M, Pozzi D. Poster Presentation at 2nd PhD Students Meeting – Mario Negri Institute 2015
  • Mesenchymal Stem Cell GABAergic Enhancement: a possible modulation in the GABA excitation/ inhibition shift. Desiato G, Matteoli M, Pozzi D, Coco S. Poster Presentation at FENS Forum Congress. Copenhagen 2016
  • Mesenchymal Stem Cell – derived Extracellular Vesicles as possible modulators of the neuronal GABAergic Excitatory/Inhibitory shift. Desiato G, Elia C, Pozzi D, Matteoli M and Coco S. Oral Communication at International Symposium on Neurobiology – Joint meeting University of Milan Bicocca – University of Surrey, 2017
  • Role of the pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin 6 in the control of the GABA switch in cultured hippocampal neurons. Desiato G , Mirabella F, Filipello F, Contestabile A, Matteoli M and Pozzi D. Poster Presentation at Humanitas Research Day – Rozzano May 2017