Edoardo Nicolò Aiello

Edoardo Nicolò Aiello

Curriculum vitae

Born in Milano (Italy) on November the 7th, 1995. B. Sc. in Psychology (2017) and M. Sc. in Neuropsychology (2019) at the Department of Psychology of the University of Milano-Bicocca (theses focusing on language impairment in motor neuron disease). Prae-lauream and post-lauream internships served at the Cognitive Neuropsychology Center of ASST Grande Ospedale Metropolitano Niguarda of Milano (2017), the neuropsychology clinic of the U.O.C. di Neurologia, Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda – Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico of Milano (2018) and the Neurology Unit/ALS Center of Istituti Clinici Scientifici Maugeri, IRCCS Milano (2019-2020 ). Earned a post-lauream master course in aphasiology at the Casa di Cura Privata del Policlinico of Milano (2020). Psychologist (neuropsychological area; Ordine degli Psicologi della Lombardia, section A, nr. 23606) since March 2021. Cultore della Materia  of Psychometrics (M-PSI/03) at the Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences “Luigi Sacco of the University of Milano since a.a. 2018/2019.

Research focus:

  • first-level cognitive diagnostics;
  • statistical foundations of cognitive assessment;
  • psychometrics for both clinical and experimental neuropsychology;
  • language semiology in neurodegenerative disorders.

PhD project

Improving cognitive diagnostics in neurological disorders through advancements in experimental and applied neuropsychometrics 

  • Track: Clinical Neuroscience
  • Tutor: Prof. Ildebrando Appollonio

Neuropsychological diagnostics has its foundations in both theoretical and applied statistics. Nonetheless, advancements in cognitive/behavioral semiology are not always mirrored by methodological progress in both experimental and applied neuropsychometrics.

Current statistical approaches in neuropsychology are not devoid of limitations – and their uncritical usage can lead to invalid/unreliable inferences. Applied (e.g., clinical and forensic) neuropsychologists often happen to be detached from neuropsychometric research and thus not to benefit from its attainments. Similarly, in experimental scenarios, specific methodological attention is required when treating neuropsychological data. 

Increasing practitioners’ awareness to statistical issues in neuropsychology is thus crucial in order to strengthen the link between statistical knowledge and its application.  Theoretical advancements in neuropsychometrics can also help applied neuropsychologists keep pace with evolving technologies without forcedly denaturing a practice that is mostly based on human interaction. The overall aim of attempting to “translate” neuropsychometrics into a “language” that is accessible to practitioners should be thus pursued.


1) to develop and validate novel fine-grained neuropsychometric techniques in the view of improving diagnostics in the clinical neuropsychological practice – with a particular focus on cognitive/language semiology of neurodegenerative disorders;

2) to adapt, validate and provide norms for both novel and already existing I-level neuropsychometric tests in Italian population samples – with a focus on tele-neuropsychometric assessment;

3) to further develop and improve current methods in experimental and applied (clinical and forensic) neuropsychometrics.

Scientific production:


Book chapters:

Conference presentations:

Ongoing pre-registered systematic reviews/meta-analyses:

Further info: