Barbara Maria Matteo

Barbara Maria Matteo


Nata il 5 settembre 1987, ho ottenuto la Laurea Triennale in “Ortottica e Assistenza Oftalmologica” nel 2009 e la Laurea  Magistrale in “Scienze della professioni sanitarie della Riabilitazione” nel 2011 presso l’Università degli Studi di Milano. Successivamente sono stata impiegata come Ortottista e ho frequentato il corso universitario di specializzazione “Health Care through Intelligent Monitoring”. Dal 2014 frequento il dottorato in Neuroscienze (Università Milano-Bicocca) in cui mi occupo di ripristino visivo in pazienti con danno corticale. Nel 2016 è stato pubblicato il mio primo lavoro “Visual field ristorative rehabilitation after brain injury”.


Visual field restorative rehabilitation after brain injury

  • Curriculum: Neuroscienze cliniche
  • Tutor: Carlo Ferrarese
  • Cotutor: Cesare Cerri

About 20%–30% of patients undergoing neurological rehabilitation report visual field defects, one of the most frequent of which is homonymous hemianopsia (loss of the same half of the visual field in both eyes). The aim of the project is to study the effects of restorative rehabilitation in hemianopia, whose long-term efficacy is still being debated. The techniques are used to promote visual field recovery concentrating on two approaches: “border training,” which involves exercising vision at the edge of the damaged visual field, and “blindsight training,” which is based on exercising unconscious perceptual functions in the mild of the blind hemifield where the scotoma is deep.

Further, the project is aimed to discover how transcranial direct and alternating current stimulation enhance the effects of visual field rehabilitation.


Dal 1 Novembre 2016 – in corso: Institute of Medical Psychology (IMP), Medical Faculty of Otto-von- Guericke University, Magdeburg. Supervisor: Prof. Bernhard Sabel.




  • Matteo BM, Viganò B, Cerri CG, Perin C. “Eye-movements defects in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: an Eye-tracking approach”, The Aging Brain: Cellular Mechanism Interfacing Human Pathology, Torino 28-29/10/2015