Annual PhD Conference in Biomedical Sciences

Annual PhD Conference in Biomedical Sciences

Annual PhD Conference in Biomedical Sciences

“Meeting in Research”
20 September, 2023, 9.00 – 18.00

University of Milano-Bicocca – Aula Magna, Edificio U8 Asclepio – Via Cadore, 48 Monza


Annual PhD Conference in Biomedical Sciences – Meeting in Research aims to bring together PhD students from 3 doctorate programs at the Department of Medicine & Surgery, UNIMIB – DIMET, Neurosciences, Public Health, offering students a chance to present their research in front of their peers, supervisors and the Doctoral Board/Committee.

It is for the first time a PhD conference is being held jointly, involving students of all three Doctorate Programs, with the idea to provide an interdisciplinary platform for researchers to present and discuss their research, facilitate exchange of ideas and promote communication and interaction.

Prpgram and details available here:

Locandina Annual PhD Conference in Biomedical Sciences – Meeting in Research