

PhD students

All’inizio del primo anno ogni dottorando presenta un progetto di ricerca al collegio docenti, che ha ne valuta la fattibilità e la coerenza rispetto alle tematiche del dottorato.

In base all’argomento scelto a ciascun dottorando viene assegnato ad un tutor, individuato tra i membri del collegio docenti, che lo affiancherà per tutto il periodo del dottorato.

Clicca sul nome per avere maggiori informazioni su ciascun dottorando e sul suo progetto di ricerca.

Vuoi avere informazioni sui dottori di ricerca che hanno conseguito il titolo negli ultimi anni?  clicca qui!

Nome e CognomeCicloTitolo progettoe-mail
Gizem ErolXXXIVGlycan-coated nanoparticles as inhibitors of specific lectins, a new
neuroprotective therapeutic strategy for brain injury caused by ischemia
Maddalena MauriXXXIVMulti neuro-functional biomarkers for monitoring developmental trajectories in early onset psychopathologym.mauri75@campus.unimib.it
Ettore SalsanoXXXIVClinical and genetic characterization of leukodystrophies in adultse.salsano@campus.unimib.it
Edoardo Nicolò AielloXXXVNeuropsycological study of language in motor neuron diseasee.aiello5@campus.unimib.it
Roberta Bonomo XXXVAssessment of metabolomic changes in chemotherapy-induced peripheral neurotoxicityr.bonomo@campus.unimib.it
Susanna DiamantiXXXVMulti-center Translational Trial of Remote Ischemic Conditioning in Acute Ischemic Stroke Within 9 Hours of Stroke of Stroke Onset (TRICS-9). A randomized pilot clinical study from the Italian Stroke Organization (ISO) Basic Science networks.diamanti@campus.unimib.it
Elisa DurantiXXXVMechanisms of TDP-43 accumulation in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosise.duranti@campus.unimib.it
Mario FicheraXXXVOutcome measures in hereditary ataxias: analysis of clinical scales and evaluation of new tools to assess disease progressionm.fichera1@campus.unimib.it
Alessia GallucciXXXVEffect of emotion processing and emotion regulation on cognitive performance: a multimodal approach investigationa.gallucci@campus.unimib.it
Maryamsadat HashemiXXXVAntineoplastic agents neurotoxicity: possible role of MAP1B-LC1 protein complex in Cav3.2 channel traffickingm.hashemi@campus.unimib.it
Simonetta Andrea LicandroXXXVEvaluation of the pharmacological effect of compounds modulating the fibrotic process in dystrophinopathy in fibro-degenerative diseases murine modelss.licandro@campus.unimib.it
Claudia MalacarneXXXVUnraveling the role of microRNAs and their target genes in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: towards the identification of novel therapeutic targetsc.malacarne@campus.unimib.it
Jacopo MarianiXXXVMulti-center Translational Trial of Remote Ischemic Conditioning in Acute Ischemic Stroke (TRICS)j.mariani2@campus.unimib.it
Jacopo SantambrogioXXXVSpecific cognitive dis-functioning and vulnerability to specific psychopathology: a descriptive study on intellectual disability and schizophreniaj.santambrogio@campus.unimib.it
Giulia TerribileXXXVAir pollution, neuroinflammation and synaptic dysfunctiong.terribile1@campus.unimib.it
Alessia ValenteXXXVMulti-center Translational Trial of Remote Ischemic Conditioning in Acute Ischemic Stroke (TRICS)a.valente19@campus.unimib.it
Elisabetta BattocchioXXXVIExploring molecular interactors mediating motion of glial extracellular vesicles (EVs) carryng pathogenic misfolded proteins at the neuron surface e.battocchio2@campus.unimib.it
Sara Di GirolamoXXXVIAir pollution effects on synaptic plasticity and neurotransmission in hippocampal and cortical neurons linked to the development of neurodegenerative diseases.digirolamo5@campus.unimib.it
Sarah FeroldiXXXVINeuropsychological and neurophysiological assessment of cognitive and
motor function in patients with motor neurone disease (MND)
Ilaria GogliaXXXVIMechanisms linking mithocondrial dysfunction and neuroinflammation in mice models of Parkinson's diseasei.goglia@campus.unimib.it
Melania MaioneXXXVIIdentification and Analysis of Potential Clinical Outcomes with Muscle
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) in Patients with Neuromuscular
Miryam MazzucchelliXXXVISunergic control of posture in peripheral neuropathies' patientsm.mazzucchelli@campus.unimib.it
Michela PicardiXXXVIEffects of paired associative stimulation protocols in motor recovery after brain injuriesm.picardi4@campus.unimib.it
Ilaria RiboldiXXXVICaring and Assessing Mental health of student Populations at Unimib and uniSurrey: the CAMPUS studyi.riboldi1@campus.unimib.it
Margherita Tassan MazzoccoXXXVIIdentification of imaging biomarkers for neurodegenerative disorders: a comparative pre-clinical study in selected animal modelsm.tassanmazzocco@campus.unimib.it
Alessandra TelescaXXXVINew perspectives in chronic pain investigation: an integrated
Neuropsychological and Neurophysiological approach
Paola Antoniotti
XXXVIITranscranial direct current stimulation and dual-task activity in Parkinson's disease"-Tdcs & DT in PDp.antoniotti@campus.unimib.it
Eleonora Arrigoni
XXXVIIExploring the functional role of cortical networks underlying action preparation: a TMS-EEG investigatione.arrigoni6@campus.unimib.it
Andrea Di Cristofori
XXXVIIV-ATPase in glioblastoma: role of exosomes during neuro-oncological follow-up and tumor progressiona.dicristofori@campus.unimib.it
Desirée FicarraXXXVIIIdentification of pathogenic mechanisms, therapeutic approaches and biological markers in Parkinson’s diseased.ficarra2@campus.unimib.it
Martina Giambra
XXXVIIGlioma-stem cells: from DNA ploidy analysis, passing through genomic profile characterization, to find new therapeutic strategym.giambra1@campus.unimib.it
Chiara Gramegna XXXVIINeuromodulation of aggressive behaviour: a tDCS studyc.gramegna@campus.unimib.it
Marika Mariano
XXXVIIThe spatial side of the sense of agency in a virtual-reality settingm.mariano5@campus.unimib.it
Masoud Rahmani
XXXVIIPotential interaction between the Alpha/Theta protocol and Non-
invasive Brain Stimulation
Angelica Squarzoni
XXXVIIIdentification of the possible effects of HDACi on CIPN: in vitro and in vivo modelsa.squarzoni@campus.unimib.it